Parents » Tardy Policy

Tardy Policy


Students arriving after the start of school need to report to the registrar’s office for a tardy slip prior to entering school regardless of what time or period the students arrive at school. Unannounced tardy sweeps will be conducted periodically throughout the year.

For tardies between classes:


  • First tardy in a quarter: verbal warning
  • Second tardy to the same class in a quarter: verbal warning
  • Third tardy to the same class in a quarter: the teacher will notify parent/guardian of student’s tardiness 
  • Fourth and every subsequent tardy to the same class in a quarter: the teacher will issue the student an Administrative referral
  • Progressive Discipline: Referrals may result in morning recess detention, lunch recess detention, after school detention, Saturday School, and or loss of end of quarter celebration.

**Repetitive/ongoing infractions will result in consequences specific to individual cases.**