Students » Chromebooks/Electronics Policy

Chromebooks/Electronics Policy

In our changing society, students are entering into a new technological age. We at CKMS aim
to help our students positively navigate this new reality. These guidelines intend to teach our
students appropriate technology usage. Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School students are
issued a Chromebook to use for instructional purposes at school & at home.

Other electronic devices such as cell phones, game consoles, iPads, Readers, etc. may be
used on campus before school and after school. Electronic devices may be used in class, but
only at the discretion of each individual classroom teacher for instructional purposes. Students
using electronic devices must be wearing their IDs in a visible location (sleeve, lanyard, and
collar). Classroom use will vary by individual teacher procedures. Students using non-school
issued electronic devices between the 7:50 a.m. welcome bell and the dismissal bell without
teacher approval will have their device confiscated. Repeat offenders may lose all privileges
for the remainder of the school year. Legal Guardians may claim the device in the front office at
the end of the school day. Following an investigation, the Administration will follow Chapter 19
guidelines to apply appropriate consequences.